Looking for a retailer near you?
Below you will find our retailers we supply in the North and South Island!
North Island
Sporting Life Turangi
Find Out More!Art & Soul and This & That Community Resale Shop
Find Out More!Sweet Chain Music
Find Out More!South Island
Further Faster NZ
Find Out More!EA Networks Centre
Find Out More!Otago Sports Depot
Find Out More!Stirling Sports
Find Out More!Martyns Cycles
Find Out More!Oamaru Sports & Outdoors Ltd
Find Out More!Central Otago Sports Depot
Find Out More!Want to be a retailer?
We offer wholesale pricing to any stores, organisations, or event-runners looking to buy golf discs, bags, dog discs, ultimate discs, recreational discs and accessories in bulk. There is no minimum quantity for a wholesale order (conditions apply) and it can include an assortment of different models and plastic types from all the brands we carry in stock.
Please note that we don't provide wholesale prices directly to individuals.